Huh? That it was amazing, with the crowd going crazy for his rendition of his classic numbers? Such cliched stuff, why even bother reporting ABOUT the (or any)concert....what else can go on during a concert? U planning to trot to the concert and bring us the juice?
Agreed its cliched stuff, but with so much media covering this concert, I wondered what the response would be like. No, I didnt go for the concert. The ticket prices were a little too expensive (900 - 1500 - 2000). There's an article on Indian Rockanomics in The Economic Times today. If that is to be believed, there are a string of concerts lined up for this year and who knows, I might just end up going for a few of them.
The RadioHead is where Adel documents his thoughts on topics that pique his interest, which is primarily
design, culture, technology and everyday life. Well, infact just about everything.
Huh? That it was amazing, with the crowd going crazy for his rendition of his classic numbers? Such cliched stuff, why even bother reporting ABOUT the (or any)concert....what else can go on during a concert? U planning to trot to the concert and bring us the juice?
Posted by Addu
Agreed its cliched stuff, but with so much media covering this concert, I wondered what the response would be like. No, I didnt go for the concert. The ticket prices were a little too expensive (900 - 1500 - 2000). There's an article on Indian Rockanomics in The Economic Times today. If that is to be believed, there are a string of concerts lined up for this year and who knows, I might just end up going for a few of them.
Posted by adel
We were "stung" by him. A good show. You should've been there!
Posted by Venkat
hey idli
Remember the Bryan Adams concert...that was good fun was'nt it??Wish we could do that again...
Posted by saraansh
Pure nostalgia mate! How I wish we were, where we were!!!
Posted by adel
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